In December we hosted our first ever Christmas Jumper swap! Girls from 1st to 6th class were invited to bring in their old Christmas jumpers. We all met and exchanged jumpers. We did this to promote sustainability and remind everyone of our three R’s; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!The swap was a great success and we will do another one next year!
We also posted a display and researched 12 ways to be green at Christmas! Here are our tips below!!
12 ways to be green at Christmas!
1. At Christmas and during wintertime it can be hard for animals to find food. It might be nice to leave out a bird feeder, and any left over scraps. Make sure not to check first what is suitable, for example bread is not good for ducks. A better option is porridge oats, cooked brown rice and lettuce.
2. Put warm clothes on to avoid turning on the heaters and using unnecessary electricity.
3. Make sure to recycle your wrapping paper.
4. Turn off the Christmas lights if you are not using them.
5. Make sure to recycle your Christmas tree properly. There is usually a collection point on Sandymount Strand.
6. You can look up great recipes for leftover turkey and ham on the Airfield Estate website!
7. Any unwanted gifts should go to your local charity shop.
8. Make sure to put your rubbish in the correct bins.
9. Turn off any taps when not using them.
10. Have showers instead of baths to save water.
11. Pick up any litter on road or beaches , lets keep Sandymount clean!
12. Use paper straws and not plastic ones, or no straws at all is even better!!
By Sarah, Simone and Abby, 6th Class
We also posted a display and researched 12 ways to be green at Christmas! Here are our tips below!!
12 ways to be green at Christmas!
1. At Christmas and during wintertime it can be hard for animals to find food. It might be nice to leave out a bird feeder, and any left over scraps. Make sure not to check first what is suitable, for example bread is not good for ducks. A better option is porridge oats, cooked brown rice and lettuce.
2. Put warm clothes on to avoid turning on the heaters and using unnecessary electricity.
3. Make sure to recycle your wrapping paper.
4. Turn off the Christmas lights if you are not using them.
5. Make sure to recycle your Christmas tree properly. There is usually a collection point on Sandymount Strand.
6. You can look up great recipes for leftover turkey and ham on the Airfield Estate website!
7. Any unwanted gifts should go to your local charity shop.
8. Make sure to put your rubbish in the correct bins.
9. Turn off any taps when not using them.
10. Have showers instead of baths to save water.
11. Pick up any litter on road or beaches , lets keep Sandymount clean!
12. Use paper straws and not plastic ones, or no straws at all is even better!!
By Sarah, Simone and Abby, 6th Class