There is a statutory obligation on parents and guardians to ensure that their children attend school regularly.
There are 182 school days in the school year.
If a child is absent from school the parents/guardians are obliged to notify the Principal/school. Letters and Medical Certificates regarding absence will be retained as a matter of record.
Children who miss more than 20 days of school in any school year are reported to TUSLA and their attendance is monitored. Parents/guardians receive a letter or email when their child has reached 15 day's absence so that they are aware of the problem.
Good attendance at school should be encouraged from the first day and the habits laid down in these early years will stand to children at second level and beyond.
The roll is called at 10.00a.m each day and if a child arrives after that time, she will have been marked absent.
Parents and Guardians should inform the school when a child is absent and give the reason for the absence.
In Scoil Mhuire, the Late Book must be completed if a child arrives after the doors have closed at 9.10a.m.
Parents/guardians must also complete the book if they are taking their child out of school early for an appointment, for example.
Please note:
If your child misses 20 days they are automatically reported to Tusla, the agency with responsibility for school attendance.
There is a statutory obligation on parents and guardians to ensure that their children attend school regularly.
There are 182 school days in the school year.
If a child is absent from school the parents/guardians are obliged to notify the Principal/school. Letters and Medical Certificates regarding absence will be retained as a matter of record.
Children who miss more than 20 days of school in any school year are reported to TUSLA and their attendance is monitored. Parents/guardians receive a letter or email when their child has reached 15 day's absence so that they are aware of the problem.
Good attendance at school should be encouraged from the first day and the habits laid down in these early years will stand to children at second level and beyond.
The roll is called at 10.00a.m each day and if a child arrives after that time, she will have been marked absent.
Parents and Guardians should inform the school when a child is absent and give the reason for the absence.
In Scoil Mhuire, the Late Book must be completed if a child arrives after the doors have closed at 9.10a.m.
Parents/guardians must also complete the book if they are taking their child out of school early for an appointment, for example.
Please note:
If your child misses 20 days they are automatically reported to Tusla, the agency with responsibility for school attendance.